It was Christmas 2008 my family was having our usual gathering comprised of Mormon’s, Catholic’s, Atheists, even a few AG people in a backslidden state. I was the only BORN AGAIN in the group which meant I was the only one with the indwelling of the HOLY SPIRIT in my heart not in my head. Because of …
Tag: revelation
That’s not the Way!
When I was Eighteen G-d spoke to me saying I was going the wrong way, like a good father HE was guiding me to find the truth. His exact words were five in all, and HE repeated himself twice, “You’re going the wrong way.” I often make light of a serious situation first off I know …
A Just and Fair G-d We Serve.
The image shows scales and scales represent balance here the balance is in the shape of an Eight we count only the raised sections, sections connected count as one those are the springs. Total sections eight 4/4 G-d allowed perfection to split. Eight split at the cross one turning his back on the other gives …
Naming Demons
Is it important to know who you are dealing with it or can you just be filled with G-d’s HOLY SPIRIT place the word of G-d in your heart and not even give them a second thought? I do want to say this about the video that was made dealing with the Kundalini spirit concerning the Toronto …
Play Ball
When you own the bat, the ball, the glove, and the field in which to play on you can be sure you get firsties. You get to pick your team first, the rider of the Whitehorse of Revelation has a bow yet he does not have any arrows? Psalms 127:1-5 (1)Except the LORD build the …
The KUNDALINI spirit?!?
To Be honest, I just heard about him last night after inviting a friend to a Todd Bentley revival, I appreciate people who watch after my soul. You can always tell who loves you when they are concerned for your soul. That is why I know that if someone is living in a state of sin …
Liars will have their part in the lake of fire.
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Revelation 21:8 The featured image is what I have called members only notice the people standing in the …
Forgiving God the Difference an “A” can make.
When we get the report card, and on it, we find the A or A plus we are excited. Then our parents display it proudly on the fridge and beam to all their friends what great achievers we are. G-d provided society ten commandments that we were to live by if we were to have a …
An Inconvenient Truth
When Jesus returns HE is going to be killing a lot of people those who did not give their lives to wanting holiness and pure living, a sad loss of life wasted, they preferred the lies and the sin over truth and righteousness. They did not want Christ at the core of their heart they did …
Walking in the Spirit – Updated
We are given the HOLY SPIRIT to guide us through this life, Jesus said that HE the HOLY SPIRIT would lead us into all truth and make known to us the secret things of G-d. Galatians 5:16-23 (16) This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the …
A Tribute to Nikola Tesla a Push in the right Direction
Nikola Tesla was born July 10, 1856, shortly after midnight during an intense lightning storm. Both his parents were Orthodox Christians his father a priest in the Orthodox Church. Later in life, he turned from his faith seduced by Buddhism, I see it as the neglect of the restored priesthood that he did not see, …
To clarify and verify they didn’t know the SON in heaven before Man.
Jeremiah 4:22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. A careful study of this chapter reveals the sin of the angels that took place that caused G-d the Father to …
America G-d’s Final Frontier
“When the nation came into being on 4 July 1776, no one had been born a citizen. The declaration was a revolutionary document: it aimed to overthrow tyranny and create a new government through the power of collective action. For all its flaws, it can still today be an inspiration.” ~Tom Cutterham No other Nation upon the …
The Three R’s of Revival
Some learned well-educated individuals will tell you that the three R’s refer to reading, writing and arithmetic do a Google search and the history behind it is interesting at best. Obviously, the originator left out the most important lesson of all spelling. The phrase according to the wiki was coined in 1795 by Sir William Curtis of Parliament …
Thrown from the Scent
In the pursuit of G-d, we are constantly thwarted by well-meaning individuals who should either wait on G-d to reveal the truth of a subject rather than insist they know it. The answers we seek are within the scriptures and by observing the evidence and world around us. G-d has placed all the actors on the stage …
Compel them to come in… Luke 14:23
From verb (used with object), com·pelled, com·pel·ling. to force or drive, especially to a course of action: His disregard of the rules compels us to dismiss him. 2. to secure or bring about by force. 3. to force to submit; subdue. Luke 14:12-24 (12) And He also went on to say to the one who had invited …
Without faith a recipe for disaster
To those who have faith. Do you believe G-d can do anything? Do you think HE can undo Satan’s Handiwork? There, of course, are always going to be unbelievers which war against the believing, they smile and nod their head at our faith because they can only believe in what they see. Whatever you do, …
They didn’t know the SON!
We are forewarned that liars will have their part in the lake of fire, that G-d detests those who would lie. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (4) Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: (5) And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all …
Things the POPE can’t do.
Turn water into wine, Walk on water, Heal the sick, Raise the dead, Take Jesus off the cross like a Protestant, Tell the truth. Turn stones into bread, or feed the flock with the bread he was given. Or tell you what any of these mean. Coincidently neither can my Pentecostal Pastor but he will defend the Pope …
Not looking for the approval of the Jesuit Judas
G-d has made HIS decision clear so why has no one rallied to lift up Jesus and open up the word to the lost? The whole world could see them and many have. The unbelievers have more faith in them than believers do. If there was some way, we can show the word that they point too. …