Tag: deliverance

The Magic Box vs the Card Trick

When Daniel was in Babylon he was well respected and his prophecies recorded along with his visions.  Educating what we discover later as the Magi (we get our word Magic from) who understanding the prophecies followed the star to Bethlehem that led them to Christ the MOST HIGH GOD! Who was birthed in a manger …

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About That Flying Saucer Subscription on Some of the SitesUPDATED

I want the world to know that it was not flying saucers or aliens that removed the Christians from the earth; it was the resurrection we hoped many of you would join us in. It is only going to happen once; there isn’t another plan in the making. I want to let the world know that at some point. The enemy is going to tell you it was saucers and aliens and continue to deny God.   You will…

Children Belong to God

  A rattle comforts a crying child, and we are called the children of God. We lose children in wars and other violent ways. Fear not; they are in a better place—more about this after the Psalms that this crop circle highlights. The rattle handle has three circles, so it is the trinity holding it out to a spirit. Let’s find out whose spirit this touches.  When I first saw it, it touched mine. We are counting the…

Lifting the Veil – Raising the Curtain

This site and the others like it are here to reveal the message of God to the world the first bearer and bringer of light was turned against God by the congregation he was the last of the Angel’s created. Making him the youngest and most valuable as he revealed the value of the SON a covering for God who is Spirit,  God wore HIM to move among the congregation. Some of us are carrying him as well, …

Carrier of Precious Cargo ~ Pricelessupdated

This is a steering wheel on top of the symbol we use to describe the Trinity. Oddly I am in the transportation industry. I make sure that the cargo is secure and that the load gets to its appointed destination, and might I add safely. So with that in mind, we are not taking those who offend God into heaven with us, and why would we? My last name is Beaulieu; it means “beautiful place,” it was not…

Reading the Bible for Yourself is Fundamental More Light Added

The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results every time. It has been over 2000 thousand years the ones who want to control have been doing the same thing, and the same results happen. Note the S patterns are they for Salvation or Slaying in the Spirit?  We do have a passage here that addresses that very topic. Which of the two is more Important? The center of this book has 24 raised…

Improved Lights Entering the World to Light the Way For Christ.

Well, not improved; after all, Jesus Christ created all the animals.  Man can’t do that with all his high-tech gear. We can make life and take life away. However, that was part of the fall, the first one that is. There have been three significant fallings since God began this.   I only said they were improved to draw your attention to them and get somebody’s goat, and he knows who he is. This is a continuation of Sharing the…

Lighting the Menorah-Pay Attention to step 3

On this Menorah there are 12 flatten circular sections; there are twelve tribes of Israel. The most significant light gets lit first and then the others as outlined below. It would help if you did not ever extinguish the first light /candle; there are consequences when trying to light the others: the more truth one has the more valuable he is to the kingdom God rejoices in it, the more value, the greater the light. You have been…

Sharing the Light

Sharing the love of Jesus is part of the call of Christ. Let our light shine that the whole world will know that Jesus Christ is Lord. The featured image is made up of several references to light and the lamps found in the wilderness tabernacle and within heaven.  The light does not belong to me alone, as it is meant for the whole world. However, some desire to use the light for nefarious purposes; they once had…

Guess Who’s Coming?UPDATED

Someone other than myself solved this one Bless their heart, Father.  Thank you for sending help. What he did was combine the North and the South sides and blurred the image to come up with the face found in the shroud. Time to start doing the peace plan God has always wanted for us.

Do this, Do that , Do the other thing.

We’re not listening until you can prove you carry the most high in you! These are the half holy ones. The work of God has not completed them because free will is the issue with them as well as it is here with us we see them asking HIS covering to do what he was not equipped to do. The younger ones keep snatching the microphone from him and would rather see magic tricks than hear the word.…

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