Link To Truth

Coming out of the prayer closet…

Recently, I purchased some T-shirts to stand in solidarity with my Christian brothers being targeted in Iraq. They are simple and direct. It has the symbol that is being painted on Christian homes by the group ISIS and in Arabic the words (We are Nazarene.) with the hash-tag #WeAreN printed below.

If G-d could somehow get a head on his true Christian church (a king of sorts)  who could encourage and give them away to all followers of Christ it would shake the world for Jesus.  A man like this in the last days would have insurmountable resources at hand.  The Vatican would be throwing themselves at this man to bring peace.

The message is in Arabic so that those who are ignorant would question its meaning the worst that could happen is terror would take hold because many would think that they were surrounded by Muslims.  It could work on so many levels.

I am no doubt sent to bring about the harvest and complete the job at hand. The idea made me think of a shirt for myself. Jesus came and wished me a happy birthday in May 2009. I turned fifty on June 10th. The month of May would have been my second birthday the one that really matters. However, June 10 represents the star sign for the tribe of Benjamin, which is Gemini the twins aptly named Son of sorrow,  Son of  my right hand.

In my fifty years, not once did my family remember my birthday.  When I turned 13, I had invited friends over to our pool to celebrate with me.  My mother promised she would not misbehave in front of my friends but to ask an alcoholic to not do something is to ask the devil to bring peace.  I was humiliated and embarrassed it was the  last time I had more than one friend over at any given time and having one over was a rarity.

So the awakening Jesus gave me is more than any one person could hope for to know how valuable and loved I am. I must be sending a lot of people to heaven to have warranted this.

To the right one adds to the left one subtracts in the 619, I left out the year I was born 59 it is there.  I, however, reveal the 6/10 but Matthew 5:9 and Psalm 59 encourage me as well.  G-d created man on the 6th day and because of it; we have the 6th commandment, in fact; we were given 10 to live by. 6-10=4 the ones that matter most keeping them would keep us from breaking the rest. 6 represents man whom the angels are responsible for insisting on seeing the son. 9 represents the judgment because of man. In the middle, the son is surrounded by the 6 and 9 Father and Holy Spirit. It also reveals another truth no matter which way you look at it,  it always is the same an attribute of Father. The Son will never be dishonored again for without him, there is none of us.